Abstract Coastal Wall Art: Colors of The Tropical Sea Landscape Photograph Prints
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Are you a lover of beach landscapes, or perhaps you're looking for some wall art prints to liven up your home or office space? If so, you're in the right place. We explore the intricate details of a minimal coastal landscape photograph - 'Colors of The Tropical Sea'. This piece captures the beautiful turquoise water of the ocean in the Florida Keys and the minimal clouds in the sky. The photograph, which has been altered in post-production with a motion blur effect, emphasizes the stunning colors of the shore and is sure to add a refreshing touch to any interior.
So, where was this beautiful photograph taken, you might wonder? The scene was captured at a little pull off on Route 1, also known as Oceanview Hwy, near the Old Bahia Honda Railroad Bridge, on the West Summerland Key. This location is part of the Big Pine Key, Key West Florida. A place known for its mesmerizing beauty and tranquility.
One of the most striking aspects of the 'Colors of The Tropical Sea' photograph is the vibrant turquoise waters. These waters are not just beautiful to look at, but they evoke a feeling of serenity and peace. It's like you can almost hear the gentle waves lapping at the shore. The minimal clouds in the sky add an element of simplicity and vastness to the scene, making it even more captivating.

What makes this photograph unique is the post-production effect used. The motion blur effect, while subtle, adds a dreamy, ethereal quality to the photograph. It almost gives it a painted effect, transforming the image from a simple photograph into a piece of abstract art. This technique truly brings out the stunning colors of the shore, making this photograph a perfect choice for anyone looking to bring a touch of the beach to their interior décor.
'Colors of The Tropical Sea' is not just a photograph; it's a piece of art that captures the serene colors of the Florida Keys. Whether you're looking to add a splash of color to your office space, or you want to bring a bit of the beach to your home, this abstract coastal print is the perfect choice. Its vibrant hues and unique post-production effects make it a standout piece that's sure to catch anyone's eye. So why not bring a piece of the tropical sea into your space?
Title: Colors of The Tropical Sea Abstract
Landscape Photographer: Melissa Fague
Genre: Landscape Photography
Item ID#: LAND-0179
Main Colors Of This Photograph: Blue, Turquoise, White
Orientation: Horizontal (Landscape)
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